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Church Etiquette

Welcome: This pamphlet was prepared for the Inquirers, guests and friends who are not yet familiar with the distinctive characteristics of Orthodox Christian worship who join us to experience the fullness and beauty of the Divine Liturgy. We also hope this brief pamphlet helps refreshes the recollections of the Orthodox Faithful as to how they might best conduct themselves in the exercise of their Orthodox Faith.


It is our fervent hope and prayer that everyone who reads this pamphlet will take to heart the important concepts it is intended to impart.

The Starting Point is the Divine Liturgy : The central act of Orthodox Christian worship is the Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is the gathering of the faithful to hear God’s Word and receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord.

Orthodox worship is a living experience. It represents the manifesting, here and now, of the presence and Kingdom of God in a world that has wandered further and further away from Him. Orthodox Christians believe worship is not an intellectual exercise but rather an exercise of body and mind, heart and soul, with all coming together with others before the Lord.

When we gather together as The Church and worship, we are uniting with one mouth and one heart for that purpose for which the Church, as a whole, prays. All of us should come on time and be attentive to what is taking place with the utmost of joy, putting aside all worldly cares.
Preparing for the Divine Liturgy: Our preparation for the Divine Liturgy begins before we arrive at Church. Orthodoxy does not contemplate anyone sitting by passively while the Priest, Deacon, Choir and Altar Servers do their “jobs”. Rather, Orthodox worship requires that everyone participate in the Divine Liturgy with all their heart, mind and body.

Participate in Great Vespers on Saturday evening — In the Book of Genesis, we read at the end of the first day of creation that “ . . . there was evening and there was morning, one day.” This pattern is followed for each day of the story of Creation in Genesis and reveals to us that the day begins in the evening. Therefore, Sunday begins on Saturday evening. And what better way is there for us Orthodox Christians to begin Sunday, the day of our Lord’s resurrection, than to gather together as a Family for common worship and prayer to our God in the service of Great Vespers!

Keep our Saturday evening free from all ungodly activity — our Saturday evenings should really be kept in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, in a state of prayerful vigilance and anticipation.

Keep our Sunday mornings free of ungodly behavior and preserve the tradition of fasting —
If expecting to receive Holy Communion, we must fast from all food and drink, as well as from smoking and chewing gum. Nothing is permitted to enter our mouths from midnight on, until we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. PLEASE NOTE: If we are on medication, or are pregnant and must eat a little something with our medicine, and are granted to do so by our spiritual father, then let it be a little something, like water and toast, and not a full course meal.
You may, if you have children, begin to teach them from early on how to fast and have them eat a lighter morning meal. As they get older, they can begin to fast from all food and drink in the morning.

It is also proper for us to fast from unnecessary noise (like blaring radios and the like) in the house and in the car on the way to Church. We should maintain ourselves in a prayerful atmosphere on Sunday mornings. This can be a little challenging to those families with children, but not impossible if we sincerely try, and teach our children to do the same.

Last but not least, please consider your attire . . . We should offer Christ our “Sunday best”, not our everyday or common wear. We should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that would bring attention to ourselves. Our dress should always be becoming of a Christian.

When You Arrive At Church . . .When entering the Church, it is important to take your seat and avoid unnecessary noise and activity. This is not the time to “catch up” with family and friends — that can be done after Church.

When entering the Church, the Faithful should venerate (kiss) the icon at the entrance and cross themselves in prayer and take their seat.

Remember that it is improper to take a seat during the following moments:
During the reading of the Epistle
During the reading of the Gospel
During the Great Entrance
During the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer
During the Consecration

If you arrive at church during the above-mentioned periods, we suggest that you wait in the Narthex until that particular period is over.

Your Conduct In Church . . . It is important to keep a reverent attitude and demeanor in the church at all times. It is not proper:
To cross your legs
To stand with your hands in your pockets or your arms crossed
To chew gum
To talk during the Divine Liturgy (except for explaining things to your children in a low voice)
Lighting candles is also an important part of Orthodox worship. We light them as we pray, making an offering to accompany our prayers. However, there are times when candles should not be lit. It is not proper to light candles
during the Epistle or Gospel readings,
during the Little or Great Entrance,
During the sermon, and/or
the Anaphora — Prayer of the Holy Eucharist.

Making the Sign of the Cross . . . It is practice of devout people to trace upon themselves the sign of the cross during the Divine Liturgy. There are specific times one ought to make the sign of the cross:
At the beginning & end of prayers and services ;
Upon entering church and leaving church;
At the mention of the Holy Trinity;
When offering glory or blessedness to God;
When the priest blesses us with the Holy Gospel or an icon;
At any prayerful invocation of God;
During the Trisagion hymn;
After receiving Holy Communion (but only after you have taken a few steps away from the chalice).
Bow Your Head Unto The Lord . . . There are certain times in the services when parishioners should bow their heads:
When the priest exclaims, “Peace be to all”;
At the exclamation, “Bow your heads unto the Lord”;
When the priest blesses the faithful with his hand or cross ;
When the celebrant censes the people;
When the celebrant bows towards the people during the services;
When the Holy Gospel is read;
During the Great Entrance.

Take, Eat, This is My Body . . . You should not receive Holy Communion if you have arrived at church after the reading of the Gospel. This does not apply to times when circumstances beyond your control prevented you from arriving earlier. To receive Holy Communion a person should…
Be a faithful, practicing Orthodox Christian;
Prepare by prayer, by repentance, and by fasting from food, from drink, and from smoking upon arising in the morning;
Approach the chalice with reverence, with arms crossed or hands folded and with one’s mind on Christ;
Say your name before the priest;
Tilt your head back and open your mouth wide.

Come Spend a Month of Sundays experiencing the beauty of Orthodox Worship. Our Divine Liturgy begins each week at 10:00 am …. Join us for Fellowship afterwards.

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St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church,  905 South Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702  |  |  Tel: 570.824.5016


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